Sunday, May 24, 2015

Julie's Thoughts

** Random photo courtesy of Becca. ;)

Needing input on the following: 

1. I have planned for room for all out of towners to stay at my house, at least for the first few nights. ((Side note: Julie would really LIKE you to stay at her place at least for a while if it works. It'd be fun for her, and hopefully you as well.))

2. JoDee says we can use her cabin for a baby/anyone nap or sleepover that week, but she would like to know what days/nights. 

3. For pictures, I have various shades of green shirts for all except moms. You can wear your favorite white tee shirt or use the one Mindy and I picked out for you. I do have shirts for all. Bonnie and Katie, bring green or white that fits you. Tee shirts I bought are all Old Navy according to sizes you gave me.

 4. Can others join you for temple square or water park, Richelle? 

5. Three days is not enough, but hopefully some can hang around longer. Can we plan the week on Monday morning first thing so we know what a basic schedule could be? 

6. Some ideas for activities: 
- S'mores in my yard 
- Grandma time with older kids for a couple of hours. I have some crafts and fun stuff to play in yard. (Miles and Elli may or may not be fully interested, they can come and go. 
- Ice skating.
- Day at the beach 
- Pictures, Need Jon and Mindy to bring cameras with remotes. 
- Bring your temple recommends 

7. Can we plan meals as we go, taking turns being in charge? 

8. Another activity: Talent Show. Remind your kids to practice whatever talent for a fun sharing time. Adults are welcome to share too. Kids would like to know stuff you can do too. 

Please share your thoughts. Thanks! ❤️


  1. Regarding #6: S'mores sound fun! Ice skating does not (pregnant women probably shouldn't skate, and I don't want to do it without everyone). Beach, pictures, grandma time and temple all sound great!

    #7: I think having diff families in charge of diff meals sounds great! We did that in Cali if I remember right, and it worked great!

    #8: Is this just going to be in your house? Maybe I'd better break out my guitar...

  2. #1) Yes, having a place to stay sounds great!
    #2) Bear Lake -- Our family could do this any of the days. If we need to pick in advance, how about Tuesday as the full day at the Lake? (Randomly selected. If anyone has a reason that it should be a particular day, please say so.)
    #5) Yes.
    #6) S'mores -- yes!
    Grandma time -- yes!
    Day at the beach -- yes!
    Temple -- yes!
    Ice skating -- Becca has a good point about pregnancy. (P.S. Are you making an announcement, Becca?)
    #7) Yes, the rotational meal prep is a good system.
    #8) Miles wants everyone's full and undivided attention unless it is formally given to him like this. Hmm, as I type that it gives me a great idea about how to get him to be quiet occasionally ... :)

    1. Ha. No announcement. Any belly I have is purely from food and lack of exercise. :)
