Friday, May 8, 2015

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!

A day at Bear Lake: Yea or Nay?

And if a cabin were available, would you wanna do a sleepover?

Also: what day?

PS. I think it's the north shore (??) that doesn't get deep for a long while out and is perfect and not stressful for ppl with little ones. I vote we go there. :)


  1. I say yea. It would be fun to stay over too if the cabin is an option.

  2. Since this was Ashley's idea, we say yes. And yes to a stay over. If a cabin isn't available and we can find a camping spot, that could be fun too. We have zero camping gear, but it could be fun.

  3. We have lots of camping Alaska.

  4. Sounds fun! We're more into the day trip option. If others are sleeping over we could always join you in the morning. In either version, having the cabin might be nice as a home base in case kids need to nap, etc.

  5. Bear lake sounds fun to us. And I agree that naps need to be considered.

  6. I will want to get my beauty sleep in Logan if we are beaching for two days. But that works.

  7. On Another topic, I purchased green shirts in a variety of greenish tones for all adults and kids for a massive family picture. Moms will be in white. If you are scared about how it will fit, bring any green or whit t-shirt

  8. If you haven't been to JoDees cabin: 3 queen?/full beds and 2 twins in loft, 2 couches downstairs, 1 bedroom downstairs with King.

  9. I have beds figured out for Bart, Kurt, Ashley and Richelle's families to sleep at my house all the days you want to.

  10. We say YES to the day at Bear Lake and MAYBE/no to the sleepover. It'd be fun, but that's a lot of ppl in that tiny cabin. And if want a legit bed, no tent.

  11. Shawn? Mindy? Penny for your thoughts.
